Shit happens.
And when it does, you can choose how to deal with it.
But really, there aren't many choices for you.
Whether you fight back, or move on with smiles on your face, aware of the fact that those who hurt you don't deserve your time of life.
If you fight back, well at first it might help, but then God knows what's next. First, you have no clue if it will just end right there and then or turns out to be a serial Malay drama. Second, say, you win that 'fight'. The fame doesn't even last. In time, things will get back to normal and lastly if you lose, you're Major Loser(it's your new name that's why the front letter is capital) and people will hold banners that say 'get a life' or 'you describe a complete loser' or whatever else I can't really think straight now. And no one deserves that kind of humiliation. Not even the most obnoxious rapist on earth. Okay maybe the most obnoxious rapist on earth deserves it but not regular people like me, and you.
When you choose to move on and bury the hatch, it really is a nice thing and great attitude, and not everyone have it in them. It may be tough, real tough, and hard, and difficult too, but you know it's worth it, and you know to forgive and forget is always the best that you can ever do as a human. And things are always better in the future than any of those heartbreaking 'scenes' that you leave behind. Nuff said.
Just..keep in mind that it's not worth spending sixty seconds of your life being gloomy for thinking about them. Eff 'em. Got me? Eff 'em. Throw them out of your precious life, and move on. MOVE ON.
Remember: no matter how dark the night, the sun will always shine the next morning.
You may say I don't understand your situation, and that I'm not in your shoes. But believe me, I've experienced more than that. What's the worst that ever happened to you, is the 'least worst' for me.
ADMIN: School begins in like less than 2 weeks now and I just found out today that I have to make a scrap book!! akfjgeilufwaf! God.
There's so much for one person to do!
To make it worse, one person like me.
And the worst, that one person IS me!
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