Jan 25, 2012

They say bad things happen for a reason. Letting go isn't really a bad thing, nay?

Letting go is like pulling out a tooth.
You have been holding on to it for so long. Even when it is shaky already, you still don't let it go.
Then it starts hurting you yourself. Realizing you no longer need it to stay alive, you pull it out.
When it is pulled out, you're relieved and it doesn't hurt you anymore..
But how many times does your tongue run itself over the spot where the tooth was once?
Probably hundred times a day.
Just because it is not hurting you doesn't mean you do not notice it.
It leaves a gap and sometimes you see yourself missing it terribly.
It's going to take a while to heal everything..
But of course, good thing always takes time isn't it?
Should you have just kept the tooth?
No, it will only bring you pain. To yourself.
You have known for quite some time that you don't need the tooth anymore.
You just hesitated at first.
Now that you have let it go..it's turn to move on.
New tooth will come out.


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