Dec 31, 2011

Welcome 2012!

2012, let's be friends okay  :)
I'll treat you nice, so I hope you'll be nice to me too.

I'm dying

In less than 24 hours I'll be leaving home.
Expert    :B

I hate it.

I'm going to be there for 3-4 weeks. 3-4 horrible weeks.
And then come home for like 48 hours, and then back there again!

I don't wanna go back there.

Dec 30, 2011

You might say I'm outdated, but..yeah... (I don't know how to answer. Just yeah)
I love Nicholas Sparks.......' books.


Dec 28, 2011

I'm done, and you're free. =)

I'll start this post with a smile okay.

I absolve you from your promises. I really do.

Yesterdays I still wondered if you ever thought of me and our memories together though we didn't actually share memories together that much, but yeah. Still. I also looked through your FB wall secretly. Yes, as psycho as it may sound, yes I did that. And when I listened to A7X I thought of you along every line of the lyrics, and hoped you'd do the same.

But those were yesterdays.
And I'm not that fool anymore.
Time really does heal wounds. Even the bad ones.

I am over him.
It took a little time for me to realize this, but at least I realize.

I'm glad that it is all over now.
I mean, of course, it has been over for months, but this moment, it's over for real.

I've deleted his number(s).
And slowly trying to forget all his numbers la walaupun hakikatnya bukan senang woo nak nyanyukkan diri, lebih-lebih lagi benda yang dah lama kita hafal.
I've deleted all A7X's songs and videos.

Thought of unfriending him on FB.
Basically blacklisting him from my life forever.
Tapi step at a time bak kata Jordin Sparks.
(damn I love this song!)

Oh and btw, sebagai penutup..EFF. EFF you and your sugary mouth.
Because you and all those sweet words that come out of your mouth, are bullshits.

It's nice to have met you, but being 'in a relationship' that is more than friendship with you..
It's just the hugest mistake ever of my life. Probably yours too.
I'm more than relieved that we've come to this decision.

And I repeat, I absolve you from your promises.

Cheers  =)


Hati kita ini pengecut sebenarnya.

Nak jadikan dia berani secara automatik adalah agak..mustahil.
Jadi jalan terbaik adalah dengan memperbodohkannya.
Yeah you read it right.

Beritahu dia yang everything's okay, or at least going to be okay.
Buat dia percaya bahawa semua yang tak mudah akan jadi mudah,
yang tak baik akan jadi baik,
dan seteruk mana pun sesuatu keadaan tu, kita akan mampu hadapinya.
Sebab Allah takkan bagi ujian yang kita tak mampu nak tempuhi, kan.

Tepuk dada, ketuk pintu hati, beri dia kekuatan untuk percayakan otak.

Bila yang lain mula mengambil alih dan cuba menguasai, hati akan tunduk.
Mungkin tidak secara drastik, tapi akan tunduk jua bila dia sudah cukup memahami.

"Jadi muncungkan mulut, siul dengan kuat dan jerit ALL IS WELL!"

Last night I watched '3 Idiots'. Yup that is where all this comes from. Haha.
Aku tak dapat kira dah berapa kali aku tengok cite ni, tapi takde sekali pun aku rasa macam
'Oh God cite ni lagi? U gotta be kidding'. Nuff said.

ADMIN: Title bukan main speaking, bila baca post, haha kecewa betul.